Saturday, April 24, 2010


Went out to buy stuff and meeting a fren...

Wanted to watch clash of the titans but ended up watchin the losers instead... but it was quite nice...

my favourite character is Cougar, The sniper... not the leading actor but i really lik him.. haha... And just as i thought... he's an espagnol... which is probably why i like him... haha.. ^^

And another one is Jensen... He's too funny..! xD

If you guys wanna watch the trailer... the link's below... The movie's better than wat it seems in the trailer though.. ^^

So i guess that's all for now.. Goin for a camp next whole week... >.<

C'est tout...

1 comment:

chris said...

school loan consolidation

How does Student Loan Consolidation it Work?

Student loans are a great source of financial aid for students who need help paying for their education. Unfortunately,

students often leave college with burdensome debt. In addition, they often have multiple loans from different lenders, meaning

they are writing more than one loan repayment check each month. The solution to this problem is loan consolidation..