Sunday, November 28, 2010

pain pain and pain...

Friday night

My friends and I went for ice skating.. The problem of doin it here is that nearly everyone if good at it.. =.= not like in Malaysia, u can still see most of the people hanging to the side bars...

During the whole session... I fell down 6 times..!! most of the time on the butt... T_T... now both my hands n knees are with bruises... even my back too... and there was another guy... ( i think it's he's 1st time..) and he was so daring to try.. so he ended up falling again n again... ( the flying type fallin... ) until his whole jeans were wet.. haha.. so u can imagine how many times...

I wonder why ppl love ice skating.. it's like falling and getting hurt is soo fun... Well, that includes me of course cause i had lots of fun and i plan to go again...! xD

C'est tout..!

1 comment:

Super Saiyan 3 said...


Your very old friend健武