It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name
1. What is your name : Than Yin Swan
2. A four Letter Word : Tell
3. A boy's Name : Tabby
4. A girl's Name : Tammi
5. An occupation : Teacher
6. A color : I dunno la... =.=
7. Something you'll wear : T-shirt
9. A food : Tobacco
10. Something found in the bathroom : Towel
11. A place : Tanjung Aru... (missed it)
12. A reason for being late : Traffic jam.. haha...
13. Something you'd shout : toujour comme ca..!!
14. A movie title : The Lake House ( One of my favourites.. ^^)
15. Something you drink : Tea
16. A musical group : Theressa Teng
17. An animal : Tyrannosaurus
18. A street name : T- junction
19. A type of car : Toyota Avanza...
20. The title of a song : Too little too late
...ok.... tis is realy very hard..!! I really got fed up and wanted to write everythg in Telly tubbies... Haha... But it's fun though..
I tag :
1. Joanne Wee
2. Vinnie
3. Jamilah
4. Limmie
5. Priscilla
6. Vui Kiat
7. Mei Bel
8. Jaclyn
9. Nelson
10. Jesper