Friday, February 27, 2009

wierd days... ( les jours bizzares)

These two days the cohort 3 were having exam... Thus, we were asked to move to a futher classroom so that we wont disturb them havin oral exam... N due to our teachers are busy havin exams with them... Our classes mostly are free..!!

During a class, our lecturer asked us to do some works.. The whole class was busy doin their work while i was busy playing with my hair... haha...

N then.. Another class... these three girls took my phone and start taking photos of them... Didn't understand y did they take my phone to do that.. haha... ( I'll delete it anyway... xD...)

Tomoro i'm joinin a video workshop with my 6 others classmates and all the cohort 3... so... My weekend will be gone... T_T... N we will have to put our video made by us on to youtube...!! >.< shy shy... haha...

Well... that's all for today...

C'est tout..!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Days i've missed.. (les jours qui m'a manque)


It's been last thursday since i uploaded my blog... haha.. Was too lazy.. sry.. >.< .. So... I'll be squeezing all the days i missed into one... Laz weekend... I was at my Uncle's... I requested him to bring me take a look at his neighbourhood's bungalows... My gosh... They are all so nice... most of them was demolished... And most of them have their own unique design for the hse.. These are the ones i found it special... The gate was all pieces of glasses.. n inside too... many walls are replaced by glasses...
N this... western + chinese style gate.. haha.. My aunt say it's like wearing Cheong Sam with a cowboy hat... hahaha...

N yesterday.. i had lunch in the skul's cafeteria... when i was almost finish... I saw a tiny caterpillar inside the veges... OMG...!! x_x .. That is so... uewk.... I told the canteen manager.. and i got RM3 refund... =.=...

Today... Classes very quite interesting... except Comprehension Orale... I cant follow the class.. Mayb it's the 1st period and i am not fully awake yet... >.<... But i knw i'm still very weak.. Haiz...

And the afternoon extra class, we are learning literature... Haha... Love it.. ^^

Juz now i was on youtube watchin how to put on make up.. Juz curious.. Mayb i would try it sometimes... Hehe... Fpr those who are interested too... Here's the link and you will find others from the same uploader.. She's good..!!

So.. I guess that's all... It's my study time now..

C'est tout..!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Interesting Thursday.. (Jundi interessant..)

Today i woke up quite late so didn't go to the cafeteria for breakfast... Instead i drank a cup of hot milo... ^^

When my friends and I, we were walkin to our class... We saw everyone was outside of the class... N we found out that... All the doors for the German class, French cohort 3 & French cohort 4 was locked...!! We stood outside about 15 mins when the other classes found their keys for the classroom while we were ask to go to the library for classes...

At first i thought we were lucky... for goin to the library.. (although our class has air-cond too...).. But then i was wrong... we cnt bring bags into th library n i hav to move everythg out bcz everythg is usefull or valuable... =.=

Then when we were having class wit Emily, our french teacher from France... we were suppose to have civilisation but due to some reaasons, we did french grammer exerrcise in the internet.. That was nice...!! I didn't knw tat that site was full of exercise... ^^ At 10am, our keys are found n then we hav to move again bak to our class...

Afternoon bout 2.30pm, we went to Alliance Francaise... I was goin there to register for my next A2 level exam in march... paied RM125... N i'm broke now... T_T... Good news is... I got my result for last year's exam of the A1 level... I'm so happy and satisfied with it...!! ^^

So... after i'm bak from there... went to bath.. eat... n play games on computer... then bout 7 i was tired so i went to take a nap... but... i woke up 2 hours later...!! N now my right eye is swollen...

C'est tous...!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's day..!!

Today's Valentine's Day..!!

Unfortunately... We have classes... =.=... N then me and my classmates went to midvalley... They went for KFC while me... i have to buy new shoes cz my shoes are worn out..!! very badly...

So.. I changed this...

Into this... Cost me RM53 somthg... Haha...

Oh ya.. Happy Valentine's Day to all the couples and Happy Single Aware Day to all singles..!! Haha...

Well i think that's all now... Tired to write a lot...

C'est tous...!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

This Tag is hard... ( C'est dur...)

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name


1. What is your name : Than Yin Swan

2. A four Letter Word : Tell

3. A boy's Name : Tabby

4. A girl's Name : Tammi

5. An occupation : Teacher

6. A color : I dunno la... =.=

7. Something you'll wear : T-shirt

9. A food : Tobacco

10. Something found in the bathroom : Towel

11. A place : Tanjung Aru... (missed it)

12. A reason for being late : Traffic jam.. haha...

13. Something you'd shout : toujour comme ca..!!

14. A movie title : The Lake House ( One of my favourites.. ^^)

15. Something you drink : Tea

16. A musical group : Theressa Teng

17. An animal : Tyrannosaurus

18. A street name : T- junction

19. A type of car : Toyota Avanza...

20. The title of a song : Too little too late

...ok.... tis is realy very hard..!! I really got fed up and wanted to write everythg in Telly tubbies... Haha... But it's fun though..

I tag :

1. Joanne Wee

2. Vinnie

3. Jamilah

4. Limmie

5. Priscilla

6. Vui Kiat

7. Mei Bel

8. Jaclyn

9. Nelson

10. Jesper

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stupid virus...


My laptop seems to be infected by virus..!!

The whole system became slow... Internet explorer experiencing hang few minutes after i opened it.... My msn is always not responding... And the whole screen keep on blacked out and bak blacked out and bak again for bout 3 times...

I really deteste virus...!! And my laptop being slow because i am a very impatient person... Haiz...

Somemore my stupid little brother wishing me " happy virus infecting day" ...!!! ARGH...

C'est tous..!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

My weekend.. ( Mon weekend..)

As usual, I normally spends my weekend at my uncle’s place. Every Friday, he picks me up at my hostel after work and off we go to Banding, where he lives.

There’s two main things I’m writing in this post…

When my uncle’s whole family and I went to the AEON Jaya Jusco building, everywhere is full of valentine’s stuff..!! There’s so many cute dolls selling at cheap price.. Many perfumes and cosmetics shops are on valentine’s promotion.. Bouquets of flowers.. ( FYI I dun lik flowers as presents).. Valentine banners.. And many ppl busy buying valentine’s present..!! There’s also this cute love memo board in a shop.. My uncle asked me to look through it see whether I’ll get my name mentioned in it or not… =_=

As I was walking around, somthg caught my eyes..
A Rabbit Marshmallow Stick…!!
If you are my blog followers or my frens, you should knw how obsessed I am towards marshmallow… And in this rabbit look… It soo…. Er…. Cnt find the word to describe sorry… BUT!! I didn’t bought it… The reason is I found it not worthing because the price is RM5. Spendin RM5 for a sweet which will not be nice anymore once u took a bite out of it ( I wouldn eat it anyway if I bought it) just doesn’t worth…

Anyway, to the next part of this post… FOOD… xD

We went to this restaurant called Bar-B-Que.. we went there before but I was too busy tryin the food so din manage to take pictures.. The fun part is here you have to bbq the food urselves..
Mayb this place was so highly demanded because it provides satisfaction to those who does not knw how to cook.. Haha…

When we were queing outside for seats, I looked at the name of the restaurant and thought about this… What if they call it Barbie-Q?? Haha… Then the dinosaur that represents the shop would be change to Barbie… Hahaha…

Finally the time for me to return to KL had come and my uncle drop me at the KTM Komuter station… Then… I saw this… There’s already soooo Many ppl waiting…!! So… when the train arrive I din manage to get a seat and had to stand for nearly one hour… =.=

That's all. so now, photo time..

Saw this? BF shopping centre... But pls don't be mistaken... it means B floor Shopping centre AEON... Haha...
My little cousin brother is very addicted to chocolate.. Ugh... For me, I cant stand such sweet stuff..
I personally liked this restaurant wall's style... juz iron strings...!!

C’est Tous..!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Little Stephanie ( Petite Stephanie)

Today, when we were having "Expression ecrit" clases with madame Khoo, she told us somthg about her daughter which was sooo funny...

Her daughter's name is Stephanie (FYI she's 6 years old) and she told her mum one day,
Stephanie : Mum, i think my name should be pronounce as step-hanie (read separately by "-" ) instead of stephanie...
So madame Khoo asked her why did she think like that and this was her answer...
Stephanie : My classmates always teased me by calling me step-hanie...!! After thinking about it, i think they might be true... And Beijing is suppose to be pronounce as Beij-ing..!!

somtimes, kids can come up with very cute and funny statements... n'est pas (right) ?

In the afternoon, i was scheduled to have extra class with madame Khoo (1 on 1)... When i walked in to the classroom, I saw a cute little gul sitting on the lecturer's table... And of course, it must be no others but Miss Little Stephanie...
My 1st impression to her was that she is a shy girl.. She said hi to me and i replied "Hello, Step-hanie". She gave me a very shocking look..!! Haha...

Throughout the class, my assumption was totally wrong.. Little Stephanie is not timide at all..!! She is super duper active..! She tried so hard to get attention from both of us, and she tried to compare me with her... ( I don't know why... =.=)

When i was halfway thorugh the class, she came beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder... after awhile, she ran back to her mother's side and murmered somthg beside her ear.. N then i heard this from Madame Khoo...
Madame Khoo : Owh..!! You think her hair smells nice? Maybe she's using a good shampoo..!
Haha... Why in the world did she smell my hair...!! Or is my hair smell really that strong...?

So... Thanks to Little Stephanie, The "suppose to be" 1 hour class needed extra 45 mins to finish it... Because madame Khoo was too busy to entertain her...

Well that's all for today... C'est Tous..!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dn Give Up...!!

Recently, most of the blogs i read of my frens were all frustrating about form 6... Juz wanted to say to you all who are taking STPM..

Gambateh... Relax... Dn stress urselves too much..

OK?? C'est tous..!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back to KL...

Sry guys... Was so busy during CNY + the line was bad so i cnt update my blog...

On the 3rd day of CNY, my whole family went to Kundasang... which is the half mountain of Mount Kota Kinabalu which sabahans are very proud of...

There, i saw the flower which my name came from...

According to my mum, it is known as 萱花... this flower represents " 忘忧"... I have always loved my name... Thx mum...!!

In Zen Garden ( The place we stayed) is full of water lily ponds... everytime i come to this place... This particular pond always have one closed lily and one opened lily.... Never once excepted....

The fog there was so... you cant see anythg in the sky...!

I brought my baby cousin for a walk nearby and asked her what is this... She told me it is a banana... lol...!!

On Friday, The day before my uncle is coming bak from KK, He brought us to a seafood restoran for dinner... These are the dishes...

My favourite..!!!

And I took picturewith my little brother too..!!

Well... There's a lot tat had happened.. But i'm too lazy to write a lot... So.. I'm goin to upload photo's instead...!!
Went to @mosphere... Sunseeker and Long Island...!!

Took this picture in a shop...!! Haha...

Last but not least...
WAHAHAHAHAHA...!! I love CNY...!!