Monday, February 9, 2009

My weekend.. ( Mon weekend..)

As usual, I normally spends my weekend at my uncle’s place. Every Friday, he picks me up at my hostel after work and off we go to Banding, where he lives.

There’s two main things I’m writing in this post…

When my uncle’s whole family and I went to the AEON Jaya Jusco building, everywhere is full of valentine’s stuff..!! There’s so many cute dolls selling at cheap price.. Many perfumes and cosmetics shops are on valentine’s promotion.. Bouquets of flowers.. ( FYI I dun lik flowers as presents).. Valentine banners.. And many ppl busy buying valentine’s present..!! There’s also this cute love memo board in a shop.. My uncle asked me to look through it see whether I’ll get my name mentioned in it or not… =_=

As I was walking around, somthg caught my eyes..
A Rabbit Marshmallow Stick…!!
If you are my blog followers or my frens, you should knw how obsessed I am towards marshmallow… And in this rabbit look… It soo…. Er…. Cnt find the word to describe sorry… BUT!! I didn’t bought it… The reason is I found it not worthing because the price is RM5. Spendin RM5 for a sweet which will not be nice anymore once u took a bite out of it ( I wouldn eat it anyway if I bought it) just doesn’t worth…

Anyway, to the next part of this post… FOOD… xD

We went to this restaurant called Bar-B-Que.. we went there before but I was too busy tryin the food so din manage to take pictures.. The fun part is here you have to bbq the food urselves..
Mayb this place was so highly demanded because it provides satisfaction to those who does not knw how to cook.. Haha…

When we were queing outside for seats, I looked at the name of the restaurant and thought about this… What if they call it Barbie-Q?? Haha… Then the dinosaur that represents the shop would be change to Barbie… Hahaha…

Finally the time for me to return to KL had come and my uncle drop me at the KTM Komuter station… Then… I saw this… There’s already soooo Many ppl waiting…!! So… when the train arrive I din manage to get a seat and had to stand for nearly one hour… =.=

That's all. so now, photo time..

Saw this? BF shopping centre... But pls don't be mistaken... it means B floor Shopping centre AEON... Haha...
My little cousin brother is very addicted to chocolate.. Ugh... For me, I cant stand such sweet stuff..
I personally liked this restaurant wall's style... juz iron strings...!!

C’est Tous..!

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