Sunday, November 30, 2008

Goin bak..!! (Je vais rentrer a KK..!! )

Horray..!! I'm finally goin bak to my lovely, dearly, sweetly, beauty, greatly, nicely, hometown..!!

Juz finished all my papers for my exam today.. Haha... N~~ Tomoro i'm heading bak to KK..!! Finally... T_T

C ya all in KK..!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New shoe.. ( Les nouveaux chaussure)

Finally..!! I bought new shoe...

My shoes were all worned out and i need to get a new one... But i search in Midvalley, Sungei wang, Pavillion (too expensive for me to buy)... I cant find any tat i like...

However.. Luckily when i went to Klang's Jaya Jusco today.. I saw one which is ok... Not the type tat catches my eyes and make me obsess about it... But.. It's "ok"... I really need a pair of shoe b4 i go bak.. So... i bought it... Haha...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Exam day

Hey guys..!! Long time no posting.. cz i'm busy wit my exams... N~~ 1 down 3 to go..!! wahoo...!! One more week n i'm going bak to my dear hometown--- Sabah..!! KK here i come..

Today's examination was delayed for 1 hour.. I waited for so long.. T_T... I go in to the room... Greets the "mesdames" inside.. sit down.. n start..!! Skip skip skip... Here's the part... When the examiner ask me what size of exercise book i wanted, i suddenly got panic and i answered "A four".. A pronounced in french, n ya... 4 in english... Haha... I was suppose to say " A quatre" which is 4 in french... N.. my masculin and feminin was all mixed up..!! ( i think )... So.. i hope i dun lose lots of marks on those.. x_x pray hard...

next week will be my laz day of exam then i'm FREE..!! Well... not totally.. devil lecturers purposely changed our examinations after holidays which means... haiz... we have to study during holidays..!! T_T

1st things 1st... I'm goin for shopping tomoro..!! Have a lot of stuffs to buy b4 i go bak.. Prepare for money flying away...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

第十届国际中文书展 (le dixieme exposition de livre)


舅舅: 妹(家人都那样叫我的..), 给些意见, 明天该去看Honda 的机器人,Asimo呢? 还是去书展?

我: 啊?? 你喜欢咯...

舅舅: 喔... 那我们就去书展吧..!! (拍谢喔,honda... 舅舅全家对书比较有兴趣...)


第十届国际中文书展 坐了一个小时多的车, 终于来Midvalley附近... (书展地点)... 结果交通阻塞塞了半小时.. OMG... 书展真的吸引了很多很多的人喔..!! 看.. 这只是一部分的人吧了...

虽然书展很大, 但是却没有一本能让我感兴趣的书....=.=... 但是也并不代表没收获喔..!! 我吃到绿茶ice-cream..!! 蛮好吃的咧... 虽然有点贵...RM2.50... !!
重点来咯...!! 当我正要离开时, 竟然看到这个..!!

应该只有小学四年纪... 不过我敢肯定是小学生...!! 现在的小孩越来越早熟... 但是, 以我的观点来看,会不会太早了啦....!!看到时还有点吓到咧..!! =.="

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

好想跳舞.. ( Danse, me manque..)

今天上课时太无聊, 所以就看看自己的手指.. 结果注意到一个疤痕.. 我记得, 这个疤痕是我们舞团, SDT 在 "转角" , "The corner" 那一年的表演时弄到的... 原因是因为我们大家在一起熬夜赶道具.. 也就是烧花瓣时烧到的..

好怀念大家一起跳舞的时光.. 来到这里, 就连芭蕾舞都必须停止.. 在这里根本就没机会.. 每天只有上课, 下课,1 on 1 xtra class, 然后就是温习.. 现在真的好想好想跳舞.... 停止跳舞让我体重增加了不少... =.=... 原来跳舞是我唯一的运动...

从小就爱跳舞, 很喜欢跳舞时的那种感觉.. 常在幻想, 自己在一个空空的studio里, 享受一个人的舞台.. 很笨对吧? 哈哈.. 以前跳舞时, 常会受伤, 也常被迫听妈妈每次练习前关心的唠叨, 让我小心点, 不要受伤.. 但是, 每次练习回家, 不是扭伤, 就是黑青.. 但, 我还是爱跳舞..

我还记得, 每个星期五, 7.30-9.30的练习时间.. 一开始参加舞团很陌生, 很紧张.. 但是,慢慢的, 每次的练习后大家都会一起去喝茶.. 最常去的地方就是Promenade Hotel 前的Water Front. RM3.50的果汁, 和我手掌到手肘一样长度那么大杯.. 第一次看到时真的吓了一跳.. 哈哈.. 从那时开始, 每天都很期待星期五的到来.. 现在依然没变...

现在舞团加入了许多新的成员. 但大部分的旧成员已经都各奔东西了.. 包括我们的老师, 刘伟义... 但是, 大家一定都想念着五团. 想念着一起跳舞的时光.. ^^

PS: 12月1日回去一个月咯...!! 好开心...!! 舞团要加油喔..!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

外婆来咯...!! ( Ma grand-mere a alle ici..!!)

星期一, 外婆来到了KL.. 超高兴的.. ^_^... 不过呢.. 外婆因为必须回去办点事, 加上我一天到晚在上课. 所以只在星期一&星期四吃个晚餐.

舅舅带着我跟外婆来到这个餐厅,蛮不错的.. 价钱就更不错了.. =.=... 只有三种菜肴都吃了RM125.00... OMG...!!

首先是开胃菜: 都很好吃喔..

最厉害还是外婆.. 吃了几口就能说出做法... 我不是吹的喔..!! 外婆的厨艺真的是一流的喔..!!

第一道菜: 叉烧&烧肉...!!
这道不错喔.. 听舅舅说, 这道菜是他们最出名的.. 果然名不虚传..!!

第二道: 敦猪脚根..
这道是以猪脚根与海渗为主的喔.. 不过就是腻了点... 而且还被舅舅要求把他吃完...>.<... 小时候外婆经常弄猪脚根给我吃... 好怀念喔... (对不起... 照片有点丑....)

第三道: 花菜
小时候很少吃东西.. 也非常挑食.. 而这个菜就是其中一道我愿意吃的菜... 所以外婆时常煮给我吃... ^^
真的要很谢谢舅舅... 对我也很好.. 就是知道我在这里读书都没机会吃猪肉... 所以特地叫猪肉给我吃... 嘿嘿...!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Je suis malade encore... ( i'm sick again..)

since i came to KL... The number of times that i got sick was more than 1 year o even two in Sabah... What's wrong... I'm not the type that cannot coupe with surrounding environments... then when am i always sick??

The 1st time i came in to the hostel... My bed was just in front of the door which face straight to the corridor of the unit... According to my dear mother... In chinese "feng shui", it is very bad because all the negative magnism is directed to you... I thought it was just another old times believe and ignored it... I'm sorry mum... for not listening to ur advice... T_T...

But is it really true?? Anyway... Still have one week to go... Just close your eyes and ignore it..!! >.<

head is dizzier n dizzier now... C'est tout...!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Je suis fatigue... ( I'm tired....)

Recently... I've been forced to work hard on my studies... Only me alone... T_T... 1st.. It was extra class every weekday.. Then.. it became extra class even for weekends... Later.. even my recess/lunch break were replaced by extra class... And now... 3 extra classes each day for weekends...

I can't complain much because I am still very very super weak in my studies... It's so tiring... And d pressures are getting more & more (from the professors, seems lik they have high expectation from me.. =.= )... If it's somthg tat you wished and longed for... OK... It's fine... But it wasn't what i wanted or even expected at the 1st place... I still cant find great passion for french... Sometimes i have the urge to study well... Bt the fire only burns for a few days... Then i'm down again... haiz...

Many would ask... Why did i chose this course at d 1st place... If it wasn't what i want, then why did i go for it... The truth is.. I don't have any ambition anyway and i'm struggling what to choose after my high skul studies.. When i went for the interview... The percentage i would be choose was 0.5% only..!! I don't know a single word of french and on the other hand, all the others, which i'm refering to the whole malaysia... were at least A2 (level 2)... How can i be so "lucky" to get this scolarship?? ( And why i'm not "that" lucky in winning a jackpot... =.= )... So... When my family ask me to come KL and try it for a week 1st.. Which i really thought it was really only for a week... I had a talk with the international language department director... She said somthg tat made me accepted the fate to continue this french thingy... She said :" You are here because god chose you to be here... When i ran through the list of candidates... I saw your name and called you... God has asked me to chose you.."

Well... that's what she said... Quite unreasonable right? But I fell for it.. So... Now that i'm here... I can only continue my studies and make sure i pass it... If i failed my exams... I'll have to pay back the government at least RM250,000..!! The price of a house... Geez...

But anyways... It's still fun learnin a new language... Mayb someday... I'll love tis language and my job and i will thank everyone that pushed me into this path... Well~~ We just have to look at d bright side... right?

Aza aza fighting..!!